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Announcement of Resignation of Independent Non-Executive Director

BackApr 18, 2008
Resignation Details
Name V-Nee Yeh
Age 49
Effective Date of Resignation 18/04/2008
Detailed Reason(s) for resignation Retired at Annual General Meeting and not seeking re-election.
Date of Appointment to current position 01/04/2005
Job Title Independent Non-Executive Director, Audit Committee Member, Nominating Committee Member and Remuneration Committee Chairman.
Role and responsibilities Non-Executive
Does the AC have a minimum of 3 members (taking into account this resignation)? No
Number of Independent Directors currently resident in Singapore (taking into account this resignation) 2
Number of Resignations of persons specified in Rule 704(7) of the Listing Manual over the past 12 months 2
Other Directorship
Past Directorship (for the last five years) See Annexure "A"
Present Directorship See Annexure "A"
Shareholding in the listed issuer and its subsidiaries NIL
Family relationship with any director and/or substantial shareholder of the listed issuer or of any of its principal subsidiaries NA


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